Since the WLHA came into being in 2004, there was a clear need to establish a WW2 German section not only for participation in the club's battle re-enactments and public shows, but to satisfy a genuine public interest in the lifestyle, equipment and weapons used by the German forces in WW2.
This section of the club doesn't represent one single German fighting force or specific unit but instead provides a cross section of the forces which existed - including Fallschirmjaeger ( German Paratroopers ), Wehrmacht ( German Army ), Feldgendarmerie ( German Military Police ), Panzer ( Armoured Vehicle Crew ) and Volksturm ( German equivalent to the Home Guard ).
In conjunction with the other units of the WLHA the Germans strive to give as authentic as possible representation of the combat of WW2.
If you are interested in joining this unit, please note that it does not in any shape or form represent or indulge in any ideology, opinion, activity or outlook associated with the Third Reich or any type of extremist behaviour. In joining this unit you are first and foremost an equal member of the WLHA and are bound by its membership terms and conditions.
Below are Links to the Units that are represented by members of the WLHA